Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy

Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (CBT) is the application of scientific psychology. It follows a problem-solving approach. In the case of certain psychological disorders (mood disorders, anxiety disorders in particular), there may be cognitive impairments affecting memory, attention, executive functions (planning, organisation, anticipation, etc. with the aim of achieving a goal), language and visuo-spatial abilities.

Cognitive Disorders

The processes most affected seem to be those that require a significant mental effort. There is evidence that cognitive deficits tend to increase over time and may be a relapse factor for depression or anxiety disorders. Moreover, even after the psychological disorder improves, it seems that cognitive deficits persist if they are not managed. It is then necessary to train these functions with the help of a therapist in order to avoid possible relapses and to help raise self-esteem and one's own cognitive abilities.

Cognitive Therapies

  • Target behaviours, conscious and subconscious thoughts and emotions,
  • Learning or relearning to deal with certain problem situations (e.g. fear of public speaking)
  • Reduce the intensity and frequency of physical symptoms related to anxiety and stress for example (behavioural side),
  • Allow a better understanding of the thoughts that pose a problem and develop new thoughts more adapted to a given situation (cognitive side)
  • Descriptions and analysis of problem situations,
  • Learning how to relax,
  • Working with the therapist on catastrophic, irrational or negative thoughts,
  • Gradual and progressive exposure exercises with the therapist (use of videos and images if necessary before confronting external situations to allow a better preparation to face certain problem situations).

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