Somatoform Disorders

Somatoform (or somatization) disorder is characterized by repeated, multiple, clinically significant complaints about somatic (i.e., organic) problems.

Conversion Disorder

Conversion disorder is the presence of symptoms or deficits affecting motor, sensory or sensory functions that occur and worsen after conflicts or periods of stress and occur in the absence of a physical condition highlighted by medical examination. These symptoms may appear in the form of loss of balance, paralysis or muscle weakness, loss of tactile sensitivity...

The Pain Disorder

Pain disorder refers to the presence of pain that occurs and may worsen after conflicts or periods of stress. These pains are not explained or are only partially explained by the presence of a physical pathology.


Hypochondria refers to the fear of having a serious illness due to the presence of physical symptoms and in the absence of a physical condition justifying this fear.
Mood Disorders
Stress Management

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