Impulse Control Disorders

Impulse Control Disorder is characterized by difficulty in resisting impulsive behaviour that may be harmful to oneself or others (Gieler - 2013).


Kleptomania is the inability to resist the impulse to steal objects that are not useful for personal use or stolen for commercial use. Theft is accompanied by a feeling of pleasure or relief but is preceded by a growing sense of tension.

Pathological gambling

Pathological gambling refers to a persistent and repeated practice of gambling, guided by a need to play with ever-increasing amounts of money. Gambling provides an escape from feelings of guilt, anxiety or depression. This obsession leads the person to lie to those around them, to hide or to commit illegal acts or put themselves in danger.


Trichotillomania manifests itself by the repeated pulling out of one's hair. The pulling out is accompanied by a feeling of pleasure or relief but is preceded by a growing sense of tension.


Dermatillomania results in compulsive scratching of the skin (especially the face). This scratching is accompanied by a feeling of pleasure or relief but is preceded by a growing feeling of tension.
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